Now on sale
- A Perfect Day to Die, Guernica Editions, (Hamilton, 2022).
- Double Exile, a novel, Red Giant Books (Cleveland, 2014).
- 翻訳、キャサリン・ゴヴィエ作『北斎と応為』、彩流社、2014。
- 『英語の雑談力があがるちょっとしたフレーズ』幻冬舎、2014
Short stories
- "The Tree of Hope" in Women"s Issues Vol 2: Women Power by International Human Rights Art Festival, NY.
- "What the Ant Said" in LooseLeaf, Canada, 2018.
- "April Fool's Day" in CommuterLit; Canada, 2018.
- "The Summer with No Mosquitoes" in Great Lakes Review, both in print and online; USA, 2018.
- "The Comedian" in the February 2018 issue of Flash Fiction Online, USA.
- "St. Clair West, 2:00 a.m." in Untethered issue 2.2; Canada, 2016.
- "Gustafson and the Chinese" in The Great Lakes Review spring 2013 issue.
- "A Perfect Day to Die" in The Great Lakes Review fall 2012 issue.
- "The Summer with No Mosquitoes" in Great Lakes Review summer 2018 issue.
- "A Canadian welcome for me and my son" in The Globe and Mail:
- "The Man Who Sells Clouds" in The Montreal Review:
- "A Blue Fish" in Salon II and Canadian Voices:
- "Nobu's Writing Therapy" in The Red Line (UK):
- "April Fools' Day" in CommuterLit: